Wave Function Collapse Implementation

At some point I decided to use wave function collapse for level generation in a game prototype I was working on.

However the implementatiosn I was finding online were all focused on pulling local patterns from an example image, and I wanted to describe all possible tile patterns and adjust their odds of appearing. This way I could do things like outlaw any patterns with roads diagonally adjacent to each other, and control how zig-zaggy the level would be by changing the priority of T intersection or + intersections.

Here’s the result, black areas are roads and white areas are blocks of buildings:

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Milady's Sai 3D Print

Another old project I’m uploading long after the fact ‘cause it lived on cohost. I 3D printed and painted Milady’s sai from Soul Hackers 2, including using UV reactive paint to get a glow effect to match the game.

Milady's sai in game 3D printed and painted version of Milady's sai, glowing
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Asuka & Unit 02 Desktop

I’ve had my desktop case set up with an Asuka/Eva Unit 02 theme for a while, so after I saw someone had decorated the inside of their computer case with an anime figure sitting on the GPU I decided to go for the same thing.

Unfortunately all the figures of Asuka sitting down are… a lot… so I went with assembling a Unit 02 model kit. The recent Unit 02 RG kits were in stock so I grabbed one of those as well as a waterslide decal set.

Desktop case with Asuka sticker and Unit 02 model kit posed inside it
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Roll.exe Repaint Progress

New airbrush setup

For the final cohost build club I started a project to color swap the Roll.exe and MegaMan.exe model kits, starting with making Roll blue.

As evidenced by the fact that that was months ago and I’m finally posting about it now, it took quite a while to get very far on this project! I only got as far as priming the parts and painting a couple before I started the moving process and that killed all progress.

But it was the first thing on the list as soon as I got set up in my new place, which importantly finally had space for an airbrush setup.

Indoor airbrush booth setup
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Megumin Coat Blanket

This is from quite a while ago! I made a blanket poncho based on Megumin’s winter coat.

It is so ridiculously warm under there. But also with 2 layers of fabric it’s so heavy it starts to hurt your shoulders if you don’t have armrests for most of its weight to lay on…

Handmade blanket based on Megumin's winter coat
Megumin in her winter coat

RG Hi Nu Gundam

At some point I picked up an RG Hi Nu Gundam because it was on sale and I wanted to try building something that wasn’t HG.

Then I got distracted for quuuuuuite a while and wound up doing some MG kits before I got to this one.

It was pretty interesting going from an MG original Gundam to the RG Hi Nu and seeing the number of little greebles wildly jump up.

Like, posing the original Gundam is pretty straightforward. Posing the Hi Nu I have to figure out the balance with like 3 types of fins.

Anyways, I spent quite a while watching my friends play video games while I put on the shitload of decals. I’m pretty happy with how they turned out!

Assembled and decaled Hi Nu Gundam model kit

I’m thinking it’ll look best posed on a stand, but I don’t particularly feel like buying one of the fancy stands for it. So I’m hoping to wait a month or so until I’ve got my 3d printer set up and and make a wall mount or something like that.

Mass of the Fermenting Dregs Concert

I went to a Mass of the Fermenting Dregs concert and it was awesome!

Mass of the Fermenting Dregs concert photo

I was going to go see them late last year for their first US tour but I was feeling too blah to travel. Then 2 weeks later I learned I had a serious illness, and suddenly retroactively felt super justified in having wussed out of taking a flight.

It would have been neat to catch them in a smaller venue, but it was also great seeing a whole crowd be excited! Getting to go do this really cemented that I had gotten past my illness and so this was a big milestone for me.

This is a video from one of their other shows in the tour if you wanna see what it was like.

My Latest Cheesecakes

I love making cheesecakes!

For whatever reason cheesecake has turned out to be my favorite dessert to make. I find it’s pretty hard to mess up, and there’s lots of ways to add in a new flavor without radically changing things. If I screw up a cake it can be dry, or not have enough frosting, or the frosting is too sweet, or whatever. But with a cheesecake as long as I follow the recipe I never mess up in a way that makes it not taste good.

And you can scale up the amount of effort by adding sauce or whipped cream on top if you want to be fancy. Or you can keep it simple and just make something basic.

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I'm adding comments

I’ve wanted to add comments to this blog for a bit ‘cause people giving simple feedback (even just likes) was a fun part of social media. Especially with the scale I’m posting at where this means 1-10 likes, not anything that I can get too worked up over.

I think I’m gonna go with HTML Comment Box as they let me moderate aggressively on the free tier.

Also you might need to clear your cache to get the updated CSS that makes the comments section not ugly. Hit ctrl+shift+R to reload without the cache.

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Color Matching Megaman.exe

I was a HUGE battle network fan when I was younger

And I never really stopped being one, even though I don’t really replay them much ‘cause boy howdy can they be a bit tedious. I don’t have time to walk back and forth and back and forth doing random encounters to pad things out.

So I was super jazzed when I learned about the Kotobukiya model kits, and I waited super impatiently when they took FOREVER to actually release roll.exe after first announcing it.

My current project is to paint both of them with the colors swapped, and this is my attempt to mix paints to match Megaman’s teal stripe color:

Megaman model kit with some color swatches
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Update to Blog Software

Big update to the blog’s look and layout

Now I’m using Jekyll to do static site generation! I’m enjoying baked in support for tagging posts, and the layout system lets me do stuff like inject one template into another.

It was missing some features I wanted, but https://github.com/slimelia/slimeblogger was so much nicer to get up and running.

Also, the themeing is now based off a picture of a cheesecake I made once that was pretty tasty.

Opening Doors in the Dungeon

Now you can open doors

I’m pretty happy with how fun it is to just run around the dungeon now.

Dungeon Chunk Generation

I keep making dungeon generation algorithms

And I’m never quite satisfied with the gameplay of anything I’ve implemented.

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Leggy Boy

Sometimes you gotta give a boy legs

3d painted model of MULE from deep rock but with gundam legs stuck on

MULE from Deep Rock Galactic.

Intro Post

I’m gonna try to get a blog rolling to make it easier to upload progress pics from the various projects I’m working on

My goal is to have both a personal record so I can go back and easily find stuff I’ve done, but also to have a single space I can configure to avoid needing to recreate the same updates in bluesky, cohost, and like 3 discord channels.

I can be found on other websites at:

Grouping some projects by category, I’ve been working on:

  • AI: Somnium Files models
  • Gunpla
  • Soul Hackers 2 electronics
  • Gamedev

Static content generated using slimeblogger.

Chuchu and her buddy

Quite a while back I assembled and painted Chuchu’s Demitrainer

Chuchu's demitrainer squatting Chuchu's demitrainer
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About Me

I’m MHoff (they/them). I’m a software engineer professionally but it turns out I really like making a bunch of shit in my spare time.

I bounce between hobby projects making shit based off my hyperfixations, and working on gamedev prototypes that go nowhere. It turns out making gamedev tools is more fun than making games so I never finish anything.

Making things-wise I do sewing, 3d printing, and model painting. I wanna do more woodworking but the tools are a pain to set up.

Programming-wise I enjoy cramming rust into things. I got a game written in wasm back before game engines had a bunch of support for it, and now I do stuff mostly Godot with Rust.