Wave Function Collapse Implementation
At some point I decided to use wave function collapse for level generation in a game prototype I was working on.
However the implementatiosn I was finding online were all focused on pulling local patterns from an example image, and I wanted to describe all possible tile patterns and adjust their odds of appearing. This way I could do things like outlaw any patterns with roads diagonally adjacent to each other, and control how zig-zaggy the level would be by changing the priority of T intersection or + intersections.
Here’s the result, black areas are roads and white areas are blocks of buildings:
I wanted to be able to iterate rapidly on the results, which meant I needed to significantly optimize this over the naive implementation.
This required a bunch of tricks, like memoizing results, swapping inner and outer for loops to get better cache performance, rewriting parts of the algorithm to be equivalent but have better big O performance…
The most complicated thing I did was replace a map of coordinates to vectors of indexes with a one-time allocated 2D array of bitfields. This drastically improved performance, removing a large number of allocations and pointer hops. Though it required some nonsense to get rust to be happy with my bitfield’s size not being known at compile time.